We welcome candidates for membership who have responsibility for investor relations functions including interaction with securities analysts, compliance with regulatory reporting requirements and shareholder communications. Candidates may also include professionals who support the investor relations functions.
NIRI offers five membership categories:
- Corporate
- Consultant
- Service Provider
- Affiliated
- Academic
Please review type for which you qualify under Membership Types
Our Orange County Chapter dues are $95 annually. We use these funds for general chapter expenses and to help offset the costs for chapter programs, meetings and special events. A member of NIRI National is eligible for local chapter membership. Click link for more NIRI National membership information.
We host a number of educational events annually, often in partnership with affiliated organizations. Past events have included such topics as corporate governance, market trends and technology, today’s media environment and sustainability. We also host opportunities for networking, including holiday and summer socials. Each event has an admission fee that ranges in price based on member, non-member, early registration and other variables. Please see our Events page for additional information.
Please notify both NIRI National and the Orange County Chapter membership chair whenever you need to make changes to your membership profile. Non-members are invited to attend any meetings during the program year. For further information on membership including an application, please contact: Jeanie Herbert, Membership,
Current members who would like to contact the National team regarding a membership issue should contact NIRI National Member Services at
NIRI Orange County Membership Directory
Click here to navigate to the NIRI Membership directory. You must be a NIRI member and provide your login credentials to access this information.